Emily F. Brooks is a "makeademic" and loves to tinker with technology. She received her PhD in English and graduate certificate in digital humanities from the University of Florida in August 2020. Her research focuses on digitizing nontraditional books including touch-and-feel books, interactive and movable books, and treasure bindings. She uses emerging technologies like photogrammetry, 3D scanning, and more to create virtual replicas of movable books. Her work in progress on digitizing movable books was featured in the fall 2016 issue of The American Scholar. She has presented on her work at DHSI, HASTAC, MLA, and SHARP. She has been recognized as both a HASTAC and NEH Summer Scholar, and was an invited guest speaker at the 2018 Movable Book Society Conference. She has also served as both the emerging technologies intern at the Marston Science Library and toy and movable books intern at the Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature. She has been leading Arduino workshops since Spring 2015, has co-authored the UF Library Guide to Arduinos, and has created Arduino video tutorials for Marston Science Library's YouTube channel. She particularly enjoys teaching book and media history, visual rhetoric and multimodal composition, and digital humanities.
Research Interests
Digital Humanities
Key terms: digitization, visualization, multimodality, critical making, 3D scanning, 3D printing, physical computing, Arduino, digital fabrication, CNC cutter
History of the Book
Key terms: materiality, letterpress, preservation, cultural heritage, archives, bookbinding, typography, book as artifact, treasure binding
Children's Literature and Culture
Key terms: fantasy, fairy tales, nonsense verse, feminist theory, interactive children's books, picture books, pop-up, paper engineering, game books, choose your own adventure, touch and feel, gingerbread hornbooks, interactive apps, Disney