Student Evaluations

Emily was my favorite professor ever. She was the kindest person ever and extremely skilled. She was so helpful and a great teacher!
Spring 2024 Digital Media and Design for Communication
Professor Brooks was extremely passionate about teaching this class and showed up everyday with a positive mindset and eager for us to learn. She was always cheering us on about the products we wanted to create and provided feedback along the way.
Fall 2023 Web Design
Dr. Brooks proves that communication between the student and the teacher is what makes an educational experience valuable; she constantly showed how much she cared by talking about anything and everything related to class with me.
Summer 2023 Innovation in Action
Emily always gave amazing feedback on our projects and helped us refine our work, while still encouraging us to be very independent. She encouraged creative ideas and taking inspiration from our past experiences and environments. It was very helpful to be taught how to reinterpret our surroundings. She also gave many extra credit opportunities and helped us succeed, every class. Fantastic instructor!!
Spring 2023 Creativity and Design Thinking for Innovation
Dr. Brooks is an amazing person overall and I enjoyed the class because she made it enjoyable!
Spring 2022 Film, New Media, and Culture
She teaches her material in a very fun and unique way when it comes to Escape Rooms and Arduino. No matter how hard the material was, she's always been more than willing to help.
Spring 2022 Coding For Humanists
Dr. Brooks is one of the best professors I have ever had. She is so understanding and willing to work with students who have conflicts and need a bit of flexibility. She genuinely cares about her students and doesn't let them give up, even if it means she has to help them through every step of the process. She is willing to make time out of her schedule to work with students who are behind or who need additional help outside of class. She always provided me with constructive feedback that I could use to create and submit my best possible work. She is so helpful when teaching new software and thoroughly explains how to work it and she is incredibly patient when we don't quite understand at first. It is evident that she knows the content and makes sure that the students are able to understand it too. There aren't enough words to name all of Dr. Brooks strengths, she is an amazing and very loved professor!
Spring 2022 Visual Methods
Dr. Brooks is very good at making the course material interesting. Even the (usually) boring things about film, like the technical stuff and software terminology, seem fascinating during our discussions. She is also a very fun and interesting person in general, so her classes are a pleasure to attend.
Fall 2021 Film, New Media, and Culture
Unbelievably helpful in all aspects. Understanding and willing to work with you. My absolute favorite teacher all semester.
Fall 2021 Coding For Humanists
Dr. Brooks is one of the most fantastic professors I have ever had. She is very willing to work with students that are struggling in order to help them succeed. She is very communicative, and was always willing to have conversations about work and class studies. Dr. Brooks is incredibly knowledgeable, and was very effective at theming the class to her strengths. If there was ever anything that she didn't know the answer to, she was very willing to help students find the solution online. She also made the class extremely enjoyable and created assignments that required a lot of effort, but were fun to complete.
Fall 2021 Interactive Methods
Professor Brooks LOVES what she teaches and she is very good at it. She responds to emails in a timely manner and gives great and helpful feedback when needed. She will help you come up with ideas for your assignments and is happy to do so.
Spring 2021 Film, New Media, and Culture
I thoroughly enjoyed learning new programs such as After Effects and Adobe Illustrator, and I was surprised by the work I was able to create. I wish I could take this class twice
Spring 2021 Visual Methods
This is probably my favorite class I have taken at coastal and I am so happy I added New media and Digital Culture as my minor because I know I am gonna love the classes that are coming down the road.
Fall 2020 Film, New Media, and Culture
Dr. Brooks is incredibly caring and intuitive. She is fantastic at noticing what students are struggling with and is very knowledgeable on the subject she is teaching. She is willing to admit when she makes a mistake and is constructive with her criticism when students make a mistake. She understands that the current academic climate is very different from what most students are used to, and has worked with students to change the course accordingly.
Fall 2020 Coding for Humanists
Kind, patient, and explains material and concepts in a helpful way. Extremely educated and willing to work with each student in the class to master new material. Very enthusiastic about the topic and understanding of our limitations as a class. This was a relatively new course and our professor did a superb job of keeping all materials organized and class time orderly.
Fall 2019 Multimodal Writing/Digital Literacy
Emily is so passionate and sweet! She has such a caring demeanor and is eager to help all of her students succeed. She is so helpful and is willing to explain instructions until everyone understands. She thoroughly gives every student the chance to succeed in the classroom. She inspires creativity. She is awesome.
Fall 2018 Advanced Exposition: Codexposition
Emily is knowledgeable, respectful, patient, and unbelievably understanding. She knows exactly what she's talking about and is able to explain it in ways that can be understood by everyone in the class. She goes above and beyond to help her students both in and out of the classroom. She even finds ways to make academic texts engaging.
Summer 2018 Advanced Exposition: Makeademia
Instructor Brooks is amazing. Not only is she genuinely invested in student success, but she also encourages students to cultivate their own unique strengths, as well as challenge conventional ways of thinking. Her course is engaging and informative, and I am walking away from it feeling as if I have gained something valuable.
Emily is one of the most caring and personable instructors I've ever had at UF. She really strives to make the course material not only relevant to the current happenings of the world, but she makes subjects resonate with students because she asks the "so what?" questions that really make a person think.
Spring 2018 Advanced Argumentative Writing: Making Media Meta
I really appreciate the amount of consideration, open-mindedness, and enthusiasm that the instructor possesses for the course content. This in addition to her willingness to nurture and assist with the execution of her students' ideas creates a sense of encouragement and approachability. I believe this helps fuel creative endeavors for projects and leads to more willingness for class participation and effort.
Fall 2017 Writing Through Media: Disney Then and Now
"Emily is very knowledgeable not only in English and literature, but also the topic of the course itself. She is very open to discussion of topic in comparing differences of opinion and relating the topics to personal experiences in addition to an analysis. She handles the classroom well and answers any questions we might have. She also will do further research if something pertinent to the discussion or topic comes up, which enhances our learning in the topic we are discussing. She is very available and willing to help students when they need it, and encourages us to come talk to her if there is anything we need. She also didn't overload us with work, but made the assignments manageable and interesting. She really does want students to do well and get something out of the class while enjoying it at the same time. I would love to take a class from her again if I could and would definitely recommend her as a teacher!"
Fall 2016 Disneyfication of American Literature and Culture
"She was very enthused about the course and all of the texts we were required to read! Her smiling face every single time I walked into class was definitely something students need to see once and a while! She was encouraging and understanding which are very helpful!"
Fall 2015 Survey of American Literature (Children's Fantasy)
"Emily was always very enthusiastic day in and day out. I can honestly claim that each day I took away something different from the class because of Emily's teaching. Emily was always interested and supportive of our individual opinions. A phenomenal instructor."
Spring 2015 Writing Through Media: The History (and Future) of the Book
"she's very helpful, bakes really good morning treats and very understanding."
Fall 2014 Writing About Magic
"Emily was very interested in the subject area, and the well-being of her students. It was refreshing to have a TA that actually cared about the grades her students got and would see through that each individual got the help that they needed. I wish all professors and TA's had the same enthusiasm for teaching and for learning as Emily does. My time in this semester with Emily was enjoyable. I learned a lot, and gained extra confidence in my writing skills. I hope to have other TA's and professors that share Emily's enthusiasm for her students and passion for the subject being taught."
Summer 2013 Expository and Argumentative Writing
"Very enthusiastic and willing to help us out of class. Emily placed a high emphasis on the visual design of our papers, as well, which I think opened my eyes to the possibilities of making documents inviting and interesting."
Spring 2013 Professional Communication for Engineers